Traverse City, Mich. – July 15, 2021 – The Wrenwood Farms Green Conformation Hunter Division came to a close during World Champion Hunter Rider (WCHR) of the Great Lakes Equestrian Festival (GLEF) Week 2, presented by CaptiveOne Advisors. With a top performance over two days it was Victoria Colvin and Record Year who took home the championship title.

The pair started their WCHR week off right by impressing the judges and earning a first and second in the over fences classes during the first day of competition with scores of 81 and 87. Record Year’s beautiful conformation also captured them a second in the model class on Wednesday. The pair continued wowing the judges and extended their winning streak into day two and winning both jumping rounds with impressive scores of 87 and 88 and securing second place in the under saddle class.
Balmoral’s 10-year-old Warmblood gelding came to Colvin’s string just this week after Carlton Brooks asked Colvin to pilot the gelding around to the start off his GLEF series. The gelding has shown at numerous competitions along the west coast and now is a force to be reckoned with here in Michigan with Colvin in the irons.

The reserve championship in the Wrenwood Farms Green Conformation Hunter division went to Hillary Johnson and Lonesome Dove. Copper Fox LLC’s 9-year-old Dutch Warmblood gelding dazzled the judges on day one to take top ribbons over fences and a win in the model. The pair then went on to capture two thirds in the over fences rounds and the win in the under saddle portion on Thursday.
World Champion Hunter Rider week continues Friday with the first day of the Amateur-Owner and Junior Hunter divisions in the Polk Family Hunter Ring. The Adult-Amateur and Children’s Hunter divisions will take place in Hunter Ring II and the Van Kampen Ring on Friday as well.
From the Winner’s Circle:
Victoria Colvin – Green Conformation Hunter Champion
On Record Year:
“This is actually my first horse show with Record Year. Carleton Brooks has him and asked if I could ride him for this week. He went around amazing – very smooth and jumped some great jumps. I think he can actually do really well in derbys – he goes around with one rhythm and never changes his head or anything and he jumps really well over every single jump.”
On WCHR Week:
“I don’t have too many 3’6” horses, but the ones I have are really amazing. The Ingram’s have a couple, so I think they will do the 3’6” Performance Division, so I’m just going to concentrate on that and my Pre-Green Division horses.”
On hunter competition at GLEF:
“This week especially, Traverse City has stepped it up a little – there’s a lot more horses. The hunters here are going really well, it’s a little like [the Winter Equestrian Festival] with the competition and everything. It’s great to have people even from California come here to show.”